Niue howa kartasy

Niue Häzirki wagtda köp ýerlerde howa düýnkiden has yssy bolar, ortaça temperatura 23.05 ° C-den 23.05 ° C çenli bolar diýlip garaşylýar.

Weather forecast for major cities in Niue

Locationerleşýän ýeri Çaklama Indi Min Maks Rainagyş ähtimallygy
Niue Hafif Yagmur 23,05° 21,03° 23,52° 85%

Freygy-ýygydan berilýän soraglar

Niue Häzirki wagtda howa nähili?

As of now, the weather in major cities in Niue varies:
- In Niue, the temperature is around 23.05°C (73.49°F), with Hafif Yagmur.
- In Niue, the current temperature is about 23.05°C (73.49°F) Hafif Yagmur.

Howa zonasynyň haýsy görnüşi Niue?

Niue Şäherleriniň köpüsi None howa zolagyna bölünýär (Köppen: Af).

Niue Şu gün iň yssy ýer nirede?

Niue is the hottest place in Niue right now with the daily high temperature reaching 23.05°C or 73.49°F, followed by .

Niue Şu wagt iň sowuk ýer haýsy?

Niue häzirki wagtda Niue iň sowuk ýer, ortaça temperatura 23.05 ° C ýa-da 73.49 ° F töweregi.